When you decide to go on a trip around the world, the list of things to prepare and to think about gets longer and longer. We were also faced with this challenge. To give a brief introductory overview of the issues that had to be dealt with, here are a few questions that kept us very busy:
WHERE exactly are we going? In which direction do we start? To the west to start in Canada? Or do we start right away by land with Eastern Europe? How should the rest of the route be?
HOW suitable are our motorcycles and our equipment for this? Is there anything that needs to be replaced or added? Does it still have to be at home or already in another country?
WHAT do we need to be able/ allowed to drive abroad? What visa applications need to be made? Which documents such as international driver's license, international registration certificate, passports, etc. are required? Which insurances are needed?
WHO takes our motorcycles and us to where they/ we are supposed to go? Which means of transport should we choose?
WHEN should the departure take place? Are there permanent weather conditions (e.g. rainy seasons/ stormy seasons) or climatic zones (summer/ winter) that we could avoid on the trip?
With all of these questions and much more, we spent a very long, nerve-wracking and headache-inducing time!
Our travel start was originally planned with April 2021. However, we had to postpone our travel plans by a year, because an event intervened, which at that time and still today is unfortunately an issue worldwide (NO - we will NOT mention this word here voluntarily)! Due to this circumstance, unfortunately, very much that was possible until this day, suddenly became impossible. For example, the airline Air Canada discontinued its fly-and-ride program. When it became known in November 2021 that you can enter Canada again as a tourist, it was clear to us that we would like to start our tour on this side of the world.