1. Needle and thread
Maybe some of you can still remember sewing something in school once? Vaguely I (Andreas) could still remember. Initially, I also smiled at the - taken by Kerstin on the trip small sewing kit consisting of sewing needles, thread and a few other odds and ends. But already on the 1st day of our trip I was glad that we had something like that with us - after all, I managed to get a hole in my pants right away!
After almost a year of traveling the world, we are now both almost professionals in the use of needle and thread. A small hole in the sweater here, a loose button there or a protector vest, whose threads come undone already a few days after the purchase (exchange unfortunately not possible), - all these are just some of the projects that we had to devote many evenings.
2. Microfiber cloths
Cleaning dirty glasses, drying dishes, cleaning something on the motorcycle or even once as a towel replacement, a microfiber cloth can serve wonderfully. If it should ever be dirty, you can simply put it in the wash and it is almost like new again. In addition, it fits small folded in any pocket and is also quite light.
3. Dishwashing detergent
Of course, you can also use dishwashing liquid to wash dishes - but it is even more important for all motorcyclists with tubular tires among us. While the "tubeless faction" can usually patch a flat tire without the annoying pulling off of the tire, it is unfortunately always necessary for tires with tubes. To get the tire off or onto the rim, dishwashing liquid helps immensely.
Tip for the ladies among motorcyclists: hair oil fulfills the same purpose almost even better. But this we have also learned only on the trip!
4. Shower cap
Unlike showering, hair washing does not necessarily have to be every day. Unfortunately, there are many hotels and campsites with partly "criminal" shower heads that distribute the water more in the whole shower than to let it run over the body. On top of that, there is usually no hair dryer in these hotels and campsites. In order not to have to go to sleep with wet hair every time or at very low temperatures at the campsite, it is recommended to take a shower cap. It costs almost nothing, if you don't even get it for free in a hotel, and fits in every toilet bag( ="culture bag"). Every now and then you can get the hoods for free in hotels.
Another way to use them is to put a shower cap over your boots in the evening. This prevents that you find all kinds of animals (eg spiders, ants, scorpions, etc.) in his boots the next morning! Especially when camping this is highly recommended, if it is otherwise quite damp at night - and who wants to have wet feet?
5. Toilet paper
In Austria, you can hardly find a quiet place without toilet paper. On our world trip, however, it was soon over with this luxury. While we in Canada's cities at least still in almost all toilets enough paper was available, it became rarer on campsites. When camping in the wilderness and the more remote the areas became, toilet paper sometimes became a luxury good and could even be used as barter currency. If you have to urgently, you will pay almost any price!
6. Small shovel
Who is not annoyed when he once wants to disappear behind a bush and sees that he was not the first with this idea?
We have acquired a small "poop shovel" for this purpose. This thing weighs almost nothing and can be bought in many bright colors. Dig a small hole before his business, do business and then fill the hole well again. All those who come after you will thank you for it!
A small shovel is also helpful for ending nice campfire evenings. To make sure the fire is actually out. Simply use the shovel to dump enough sand or earth on the fire pit!
7. Nail polish remover
You don't need much of it, but carrying a little of it around won't hurt either. Most very stubborn stains when cleaning (not on the chain!) And also glue residues can be easily wiped away with nail polish remover.
8. Zip bags
These nice little plastic bags in all possible sizes have already saved us many times from major water damage. Be it our passport or even just the cell phone, which is inserted in the jacket pocket. Even in the tank bag something can be stored with it not only rainproof - it also helps immensely to keep order!
9. Bite-away
If you don't want to be constantly popping pills when you're bitten by insects, a "bite-away" pen is an absolute necessity. No matter where you are, your body's reaction to mosquitoes, spiders and other insects can be quite severe at first. It helped us immensely to have this little heat pen with us on the trip. On the one hand, it saved us from the scratching attacks when itching. On the other hand, it also gave our bodies the opportunity to build up resistance to many different poisons.
10. Carabiner
Often used, but almost forgotten in all enumerations. We can no longer count how often we had a carabiner with us when we had no possibility in a shower at the campsite to put our laundry or our toilet bag somewhere where it was not wet or dirty.
Also when we had things to hang up to dry, this was usually our first choice. Once quickly attached to the branch or the motorcycle and you can stretch the lines!
Also to hang up quickly from the helmet or when hiking to attach something extra to the backpack, we have already used our carabiners. And if you think about it, you can certainly think of enough other uses!